Do you sometimes feel restless and stressed? In today’s fast-moving world it is can be difficult to find inner peace and harmony. Give yourself and your body more space and more attention! How, you ask? With a light feel-good massage according to Rastoa® to activate your body’s self-healing powers. The Rastoa® philosophy conveys inner peace and a higher consciousness. Targeted breathing exercises, special massages, and special techniques help you to harmonise your energies and inner peace, to live more consciously, and to perceive the meaning of life in its essence. This process is supported by the products of the VITALIS Dr. Joseph line. Host Katrin is a certified intuition and transformation trainer according to Rastoa® as well as a coach for conscious being and bodywork. She will be happy to tell you more about the Rastoa® philosophy during a massage.
It is the time you give yourself to feel good.